

No Sport - Sport

For the many New Zealand soccer fans that sat up to watch at 2 am this morning; the final game in the opening round of the World Cup, must have been a disenchanting disappointment.

When New Zealand qualified to play in the World Cup, the soccer fans were jubilant. Just to be there was a major achievement for a country with no professional league and few opportunities to play international games.

New Zealand fans were/are behind their team 100%. They were ecstatic that 73rd ranked New Zealand managed a draw against 33rd ranked Slovakia. Everyone was thrilled this was something they had not dared to dream.

Then came the game against the defending World Champions Italy. New Zealand fans expected to be beaten by the No 1 's in the world. So once again the fans were ecstatic that the team achieved yet another draw  against Italy, giving them a very real chance to enter the next round.

Now, however something ugly was lurking in the background. To achieve a draw the number one team Italy had stooped to ' hollywoods'. Faking fouls and make believing injuries. This left a nasty taste in the mouth of New Zealanders. In fact one could say that if Italy had not gotten away with their drama queen tactics, New Zealand may very well have beaten them. Those who watched on TV clearly saw the play acting that the referee apparently did not see.

New Zealand Captain Ryan Nelsen spoke out to the press about FIFA's referee and the Italian tactics, which he said spoiled the game.What else would a country that likes to enjoy wins by 'merit' and not at 'any cost' feel.

How can any nation or player feel any pride or satisfaction in winning by underhanded tactics? Sadly this is what happens when sport becomes not just a game but a business, with big money involved. The comments of a tiny nation with no professional league are not necessarily appreciated.

Then by some strange coincidence captain Ryan Nelsen comes down with 'food poisoning'. Almost 15yrs to the day since the entire NZ All Blacks came down with food poisoning in South Africa prior to to the World Cup final against the Springboks, the Springboks(South Africa) won .That World Cup in 1995 was the last major event of the rugby unions "amateur" era, two months later the sport became professional and money started to rule the game.

Is it a coincidence that Ryan Nelsen came down with food poisoning? The New Zealand captain being one of the few in the team with any experience, the much needed motivator and anchor man of the team. Or does it scream of foul play off the pitch as well as on it? Could it be that FIFA or someone else did not want a rank amateur team with not much money entering the next round? Or was it sending a message to New Zealand not to dare criticize FIFA?    I 'll leave you to think about that.

One thing is for sure the New Zealand team looked unhappy right from the start of their game against Paraguay. It left a body wondering right through the game what had happened in the background to make them appear so. Still, food poisoning or not - New Zealand held Paraguay to a scoreless draw. They leave the World Cup undefeated. A tremendous effort from a tiny nation with no professional league.

A gutsy nation still prepared to play fair. Keep it up New Zealand - stay that way - the whole world has witnessed what Italy did. The whole world questions the food poisoning 'coincidence". The whole world knows that while New Zealand has been eliminated from the World Cup, New Zealand has the moral victory. They return home WINNERS to a country that still has some values. A country that will greet them as the winners they are.

Our creator Yahuah is not too interested in sport that distracts mankind from the more important issues.
But HE is interested in fair play -' love thy neighbour as thyself '.

While the whole world backs sport that is NO SPORT nothing will ever change. So let's all get behind Ryan Nelsen and the New Zealand team and say enough is enough. Ryan is right, it spoils the game!!

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